Learn How to Knit the Easy Way

How to Knit for Beginners Step by Step Slowly

Looking for a fun and creative hobby? Consider knitting. You can create cute sweaters, scarves, cozy blankets, and hats if you know how to knit .

Now, you may feel that knitting is a challenging task, but don't worry because all veteran knitters have been there. You will be surprised at how easy it gets once you get the hang of it. How to knit tutorial with pictures is a sure way to master the art and see rewarding results.

To learn more about how to knit for beginners step by step slowly, let's delve right in.

How to Knit Instructions: What You Need

Knitting supplies
Image source: Good housekeeping

The first step of your knitting journey is to gather all the necessary supplies. Not sure about what you need to get started as a knitter ? The following are the knitting equipment every knitter should have.

    • Knitting yarn
    • Knitting needles
    • Tapestry needles
    • Crochet hook
    • Tape measure
    • A pair of scissors
    • Stitch Markers
    1. Knitting Yarn

Knitting yarn makes up the entire knitting project. It is one of the main reasons most people fall in love with knitting in the first place, thanks to the availability of different colors, types, and materials.

So how do you choose suitable yarn for your first knitted project? To buy yarn, you should consider the yarn's woven labels . T hese labels provide all the information you need to know about a particular thread.

This information includes;

      • The fiber content. Fiber content refers to the material of the yarn. It could be wool, cashmere, nylon, or alpaca, to mention a few. As a beginner, you should choose a yarn that looks good, one that you'll enjoy wearing and knitting.
      • Yarn Weight. This refers to how thick the yarn is. You should choose thicker yarn for your first project as it is easier to knit.
      • Care Instructions. Care labels provide information about how you should wash your knitted fabric. Go for yarns that are easy to take care of and clean.
      • The needle size to use for that specific yarn.

      2. Knitting Needles

These are tools used to produce a knitted fabric . Knitting needles come in different types, sizes, shapes, and materials. When choosing needles, you should consider the recommendations on the yarn's woven labels.

That said, the best knitting needles for beginners are large, straight needles made from bamboo or wood as they are light, comfortable, and have moderate friction.

      3. Tapestry Needles

Tapestry needles or yarn needles are used to weave in ends or seam stitches together , especially when learning how to knit a sweater or infinity scarves. Ensure that the tapestry needles have large eyes to allow the yarn to pass through.

      4. Crochet Hook

A crochet hook for knitting? While it may appear counterintuitive to buy crochet hooks for your beginner knitting kit , t hese tools come in handy when picking up dropped stitches and weaving in loose ends .

      5. Tape Measure

A tape measure helps you determine the length of your knitted project, especially when learning how to knit a blanket or a scarf. It enables you to tell when your fabric is long enough to bind off.

      6. A pair of scissors

Scissors help cut the excess yarn when knitting. Ensure that you choose scissors that are comfortable to work with during the purchase.

      7. Stitch Markers

Stitch markers are used to show the right and the wrong side of the knitting, hold drop stitches, keep track of the number of stitches in the needles and mark the beginning of a round as you knit.

Knitting Material


Knitting needles.

These are tools used to produce a knitted fabric.

Tapestry needles.

They are used to weave in ends or seam stitches together.

Crochet hook.

They help to pick up dropped stitches and weave in loose ends.

Tape measure.

A tape measure helps you determine the length of your knitted project.

A pair of scissors.

They are used to cut the excess yarn when knitting.

Stitch markers.

Show the right and wrong sides of the knitting, and hold dropped stitches.

How to Knit Images: Patterns

You should know how to read knitting patterns to choose a suitable one for your project. Here are some beginner-friendly how-to knit pictures and patterns.

    1. The Garter Stitch Pattern

How to knit for beginners step by step slowly
Image source: Dummies

This is a reversible pattern whereby the wrong and right sides of the work look alike . This how-to knit picture is easy to replicate and follow, even if you are a beginner.

      2. The Double Seed Stitch pattern

Double moss stitch knitting
Image source: Studio knit

This pattern is created by alternating two knit stitches with two purl stitches for every two rows and reversing the sequence .

      3. The Dropped Stitch Pattern

How to knit instructions
Image source: Spruce crafts

Creating the dropped stitch pattern involves intentionally dropping stitches to make those elegant scarves, tops, and sweaters. Not sure how to do it? You can learn how to knit for beginners with pictures and make your work easier and more enjoyable. Visual elements are always easier to replicate.

How to Knit for Beginners with Pictures

Once you have all the knitting supplies, the next step is to learn how to start knitting . To knit, you need to equip yourself with three essential skills, including;

    • The Cast on
    • The Knit stitch
    • The cast-off
    1. The Cast on

How to knit stitch step by step
Image source: Pinterest

Casting on refers to the process of adding new independent stitches onto a knitting needle . Here is a step-by-step guide on how to cast on knitting .

Step 1: Make a knitting knot.

To cast on, you first need to know how to tie a knitting knot , also known as a slip knot. You should loop your yarn around your middle and index finger two times to make a knitting knot. Next, pull the first loop over the second one while tugging on the yarn's tail to tighten the knot around the arc's base.

Finally, slip this loop onto the knitting needle. The knitting knot makes your first cast-on stitch .

Step 2: Place the needle with the knitting knot on your right hand.

Step 3: Loop the working thread( the strand connected to the ball of yarn) over the left-hand needle from the front to back.

Step 4: Insert right-hand needle into the loop on the left-hand needle going from front to back

Step 5: Using the left index finger, throw the working yarn up and over the end of the right-hand needle, then pull it through.

Step 6: Repeat steps 3-5 until you create enough stitches for your knitting project but remember to include the slip knot in the total number of your cast-on stitches.

Watch this how-to knit tutorial video with pictures to learn how to cast on.

      2. The Knit Stitch: How to Knit Stitch Step by Step

How to knit pictures guide
Image source: spruce crafts

Now that you have learned how to turn loose yarn into stitches, you cannot just let them sit there; they need to be knit.

The knit stitch is the backbone of your entire knitting project. Don't know how to start a knit stitch? Here is a guide on how to knit stitch step by step.

Step 1: Place the needle with the cast-on stitches on the left hand. When knitting, ensure that you transfer the knitting needle with the knitted work onto the opposite hand to start a new row.

Step 2: Insert the tip of the empty needle into the first stitch, from front to the back.

Step 3: While holding the yarn taut with the left index finger, wrap the working yarn over the tip of the right-hand needle from the front to the back. This creates a new loop.

Step 4:  Using the right-hand needle, pull your working yarn through the first cast-on stitch. You should then let the initial stitch( the one on the left-hand needle) slide off as the new stitch takes its place in the right-hand needle.

Step 5: Repeat this process until you get to the end of the row and your left-hand needle is empty. Your work should now be on the right-hand needle.

Step 6: Turn your workaround, switch the needles, then repeat steps 1-6 until you get to your desired length. Ensure you know how to count rows in knitting to determine when your knitted garment is long enough to bind off.

      3. The Cast-off

Here is a cast-off- how to knit step by step diagram.

Beginners step by step guide to knitting
Image Source: Prima

Once you get to your project's desired length, the next step is to bind off or cast off to finish your knitting. Casting off refers to the process of getting your knitted work off the knitting needles so that you can wear it. Want to learn how to cast off knitting ? Here is a practical guide.

Step 1: Knit two stitches. To do this, keep working on your knit stitch to create two new stitches. Next,  insert your left needle into the first stitch on the right-hand needle. Ensure that the working yarn is at the back of your work.

Step 2: Using the left-hand needle, lift the first stitch up and over the second stitch on the right-hand needle. You should now have one stitch on the right-hand needle.

Step 3: Knit one more stitch, insert the left needle on the first stitch on the right-hand needle, yarn over and let the old stitch fall off as the new one takes its place.

Step 4: Repeat this process until you have no stitches left on either of your knitting needles. You should learn how to weave in ends knitting to secure your cast-off stitch and prevent unraveling.

How to Knit with Pencils for Beginners

Teaching kids to knit with pencils
Image source: Imagination soup

Did you know that there are various knitting needle alternatives ? So, you can still learn how to knit a scarf without purchasing knitting needles. All you need is yarn and two pencils, and you are good to go.

Not sure how to knit with pencils? Here is a step-by-step guide.

Step 1: Select two pencils

You should choose two pencils to knit with. Ensure the pencils are of the same size and type to avoid uneven rows.

Step 2: Sharpen the pencils

 You want to make sure that the pencils are tapered at the ends to make knitting more straightforward, so you should sharpen them. You could further remove the lead to avoid marking up the yarn.

Step 3: Cast on

You should turn your loose yarn into neat stitches on one of the pencils, as you would on the knitting needles.

Step 4: Knit stitch

Begin knitting the body of your project, whether it is a washcloth, a sweater, a scarf, or a blanket, to mention a few. You should be careful as you knit to ensure that the pencil's surfaces do not snag on your yarn.

Step 5: Bind off

 You should cast off as you would on knitting needles.

To learn how to knit with pencils for beginners, watch this video.

How to Knit Easy Instructions

Knitting requires more than the three basic skills: casting on, knit stitch, and casting off . For a successful knitting project, every beginner should familiarize themselves with how to knit written instructions .

Let's get started.

    • How to Pick Up Stitches

How to knit images
Image source: Modern daily knitting

To pick up stitches means to take already knit stitches and put them on your knitting needles. Don't know how to pick up stitches in knitting ? Here is a guide and a video to help you.

Step 1: Insert the right-hand needle under the first stitch under the two strands at the top. Ensure that the right side of the work is facing you and you work from right to left, as you would while working a basic knit stitch.

Step 2: Loop the new thread around the needle and scoop it( needle) towards you.

Step 3: Repeat the process until you get to the end of the edge, and then continue knitting.

You should master the art of picking up stitches as it comes in handy when learning how to change colors in knitting .

    • How to Finger Knit

How to knit written instructions
Image source: Pinterest

Fingers are an excellent alternative for knitting needles. Here is a guide on how to finger knit . You may also opt for a how-to knit picture guide to help you with the basics of finger knitting.

Step 1: Cast on

Place knitting yarn between your thumb and index finger of your off-hand. Next, Weave the working tale behind the index finger, over the middle one, behind the ring finger, and over the pinky.

You Should then loop the yarn on the pinky finger then keep weaving. Repeat this process until you have two loops on every finger.

Step 2: Begin Knitting

 Take the bottom loop and pull it up over the top one starting with the index finger and repeat this for the next three fingers. Reposition the work so that it is near the bottom of the fingers.

 Next, weave the yarn once more, and pull up the loop at the bottom. Reposition the work closer to the bottom of the fingers.

Repeat the weaving, pulling up the loop at the bottom and repositioning the work until you get to the desired length.

Step 3: Cast off

 Once you get to the desired length, you should take the remaining loop and flip it up next to the adjoining finger, starting with the index to the pinky finger. Slide the loop off your pinky, cut the working yarn a few inches from the arc, pull this thread through the loop and tug it to tighten the end.

Knitting Terms


Casting on.

The process of adding new independent stitches on a knitting needle.

Knit stitch.

This is the basic stitch in knitting made by pulling a loop of yarn from the back to front through a previous stitch.

Casting off.

The process of getting your knitted work off the knitting needles.

Purl stitch.

This is a stitch made by pulling a loop of yarn from the front to the back through a previous stitch.

Knitting knot.

This is the first cast-on stitch in knitting.


Knitting provides an effective way to unwind at the end of a busy day. To knit, you need to equip yourself with three basic skills: casting on, the knit stitch, and casting off.

You also need to gather the necessary knitting supplies and choose a suitable pattern for your first knitted project. Did you get ideas on how to knit for beginners step by step slowly ?  To fully master the skill, you may need to incorporate how to knit steps with pictures and videos.


Source: https://superlabelstore.com/blog/how-to-knit-for-beginners-step-by-step-slowly/

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