Which of the Following Is Not True of Chicken and Beef Production

Commercial beef cattle

Take a drive down a canton road in Alabama until yous run across fences and green pastures. If you terminate and look, that is a film of the basis for beef cattle operations in Alabama. The growing weather condition in the Southeastern U.s. favor nearly year-round forage or pasture product.

Beef cattle and their impacts on the surround are oftentimes a hot discussion topic. What isn't news to most beef cattle operations is the positive role that beef cattle play in sustainability. All the same, this may seem counterintuitive to what is often heard in the media surrounding cattle production. The following are several benefits of forage-based beef cattle systems to society as well as some misconceptions well-nigh the industry.

Beefiness Cattle are More Efficient Now Than Ever

Angus calvesA recent written report noted that although the current cattle inventory is similar to the number of cattle in 1990, overall beefiness production has increased 18% over this time period. In other words, the country is producing more animal product today with the same number of animals from xxx plus years ago. Ultimately, this means farmers are producing more beefiness with fewer emissions.

Cattle, Carbon, and Marsh gas

Proper grazing management helps restore soil health and creates a sink for atmospheric carbon and nitrogen. Aye, cattle emit methane, but not in the way people are most ofttimes led to believe. When forage is digested in the rumen–or the fermentation vat of the ruminant digestive system–methane is produced. The misconception is cattle emit methane mostly through flatulence. All the same, most methane is actually expelled through belching.

Equally part of nature's carbon cycle, plants require carbon dioxide to complete the process of photosynthesis. Over time, the methane cattle expel in the atmosphere breaks downward into carbon dioxide and water, which can be used past plants. Plants store carbon in their growth above ground (the grazeable forage) and below ground in their often-all-encompassing root organization. This builds soil quality over time and helps keep the land productive.

Beef Cattle Convert Forages into Poly peptide for Humans

Beef cattle are ruminants, which have the unique ability to convert forages into a high-quality protein for man consumption. This is known equally upcycling. Cattle tin produce this loftier-value protein to meet human nutritional demands, all while using land resources that would otherwise be unutilized.

A common argument is that land for beef cattle could be used for other crops for human consumption. However, this is not entirely true, as beefiness cattle spend much of their life in fodder-based systems. Forages are typically grown on state that is unsuitable for other high-value crops, and would be considered land of marginal use without being used for grazing.

Beefiness Cattle Apply By-products That Humans Cannot Use

Every manufacture has feeder systems that supply needed resource to brand a given product. Beef cattle production is no different, and cattle are often fed supplements which are by-products from other industries. Reducing beef cattle numbers nationwide means there would be negative impacts on all of the supporting industries, which have environmental implications associated with not using those resources. Without beefiness cattle to utilise these resources, the system would be creating another source of emissions rather than finer upcycling them into a high-quality beefiness product. Many feed by-products would accept no value for other bolt, and would simply be land applied or composted, creating an additional source of emissions.

Producers are Environmental Stewards

Young father and son with cows in the background.Beef cattle producers are, and continue to exist, committed stewards of the environment. A 2021 survey conducted by Elanco Animal Health noted that 90% of cattle producers use 1 or more methods to protect natural resources on their farm. These practices included rotational grazing, optimizing stocking density, supplemental winter grazing, using cross fencing, and strategic admission to water resources. Among the producers who mentioned these practices, they reported that they valued these practices in relation to sustainability of their operations and overall longevity of the land.

Producers Pursue Opportunities and New Technologies

As new technologies ascend, beef cattle producers often evaluate these technologies with application in their operations to further increase efficiency. Discussion of carbon credits is on the horizon for diverse other agricultural commodities and may begin entering livestock systems discussions. More emphasis on optimizing the employ of forage and grazing lands offers an opportunity to aid meliorate land productivity and sustainability. Beef cattle producers are positioned to take advantage of these incentives for the things they are already doing – management which favors sustainability.

More than Information

For more information on beef cattle systems management strategies, visit www.alabamabeefsystems.com.


Source: https://www.aces.edu/blog/topics/beef/beef-cattle-environmental-benefits-not-burdens/

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